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Animated Twitch Emotes - Everything You Need To Know

Finally! We got the announcement we have all been waiting for! Twitch will now be offering Animated Emotes in Twitch chats.

The surprise came without any teaser and took us a little off guard.

We’ve been creating custom Twitch emotes for years so as expected, when the news dropped our email submissions and social media inboxes exploded with questions about them.

Here, we explain everything we know so far -

When can we use them?

Twitch announced that Partners will be able to get started with Animated Emotes in their chats in as soon as 2 weeks from the time of writing - 05th June 21.

If you’re not a partner, sadly, the news isn’t so positive with affiliates having to wait until “before the end of the year”.

Exactly when is not clear and at the time of writing it’s the best we’ve got.

While the Animated Emotes were welcomed by the Twitch community, it’s clear that some affiliates felt a little hard done by with many taking to Twitter to make their frustrations be known.

Save this page or follow us on Twitter where we will be posting updates when we know more.

When and where can I buy Animated Emotes?

Right now we do not have pricing setup as it’s been less than 24 hours since the news broke but we are accepting inquiries just shoot over to our homepage and fill out a submission.

We aim to start making them as soon as next week on a first come first serve basis.

We have a load of experience in emotes and animations, so we are ready to get started right away!

What if I want to design my own Animated Emotes?

Some information for those on file types and sizes etc -

File format will be GIF - we would have preferred WebM file format, but there is nothing confirmed on this.

It seems GIF is all we have right now.

File size - 1 MB max if using the resizing tool. 512kb for those with the exact sizes.

Sizes - 112px 56px and 28px - all square. If you’ve made emotes before, just the same size as usual.

Frames - GIFs can be no more than 60 frames.

Full guide from Twitch here -

What if my chat want the choice between static and animated?

The early news we have heard says that there will be an option to turn animations either on or off depending on your preference.

Good for those who already think there is enough going on without the added distraction!

Can I animate the emotes I already have?


Twitch will be offering 6 animations that you can have on any static emote you already have or purchase in the future.

This is great for those that don’t want to lose their current emote designs and those on a budget.

These are -





Slide in

Slide out

Simple, but a nice option to have all the same.

We are also exploring if it will be possible for us to add animation to customers previously purchased designs.

If you have static emotes from us already, feel free to reach out. We will be happy to assist.

Any more news on Twitch emotes?

Recently we heard of emotes for followers that are separate from those for subscribers.

This means that followers, not just subscribers, will be allowed up to 5 custom emotes to use exclusively in the streamer that is offering the emotes chat.

That is exclusively too. Unlike subscriber emotes, follower emotes will not be able to be used in anyone’s chat. Only the chat of the streamer they follow.

Following a channel is of course free so these new emotes give a great incentive for people to follow.

With all these new emote options Twitch is also upgrading the way they are managed with something they are calling the “Library”.

This is planned for a periodic phasing in, probably starting with partners and then affiliates after.

“More to come” -

Great to see so many more options for the platform.

It seems the recent competition from other steaming platforms has inspired twitch to stay ahead of the game!

The announcement of follower emotes and Animated Emotes was in celebration of Twitch’s 10 year anniversary.

Apparently this isn’t all though with Twitch saying they aren’t stopping there with “much more to come” to celebrate the 10 year landmark.

For those disappointed that affiliates come second place - Some have commented that this is for the best.

Let the partners iron out all the problems and offer twitch feedback in the beta so everyone else can enjoy the update problem free later on in the year.

Follower emotes at least will give us an immediate emote fix at the end of June 21 and a great way to market your channel and potentially turn the new followers you have into subs anyway!